

“I was never really insane except upon occasions when my heart was touched”

Masks and Projections

“Under this mask, another mask” – Claude Cahun

I am a ghost, no one really knows me. What they make sense of is through these words, which they may read or scroll through based on their prejudices and privileges. But this is all I must share. The mask I had to adopt was first due to me being discarded by many, and now this very mask is my sword.

“It’s all good in here

The American Fairytale

"Through a turn of personal events that changed my life overnight, a sudden, violent, and cathartic realization dawned upon me. I realized that these paradoxes of capitalist society are indeed what controls life today. Unknowingly we are all part of this. Speaking out will only put you in a further alienated spot. And yet you persist. You could have been dead, but you are still here. You want to rebel against your condition, you think you are a punk, an anti-capitalist but are you really? What can you do? You fight and try to keep your innocent dreams alive. Through the only language you know-photography. But America is not a dream…"